Down-turned Mouth

The impacts of living with a down-turned mouth

A "down-turned mouth" refers to a resting facial feature where the corners of the mouth turn downward, giving the appearance of a perpetual unhappy or annoyed emotion. This facial feature is often associated with the term "resting bitch face." While it is important to note that facial features are not necessarily reflective of one's personality, a down-turned mouth can have various impacts on an individual's appearance and interpersonal interactions. The impacts of a down-turned mouth can include:

Misinterpretation of emotions: Individuals with a down-turned mouth may unintentionally convey negative emotions, such as sadness, or disapproval, even when they are not actually feeling those emotions. This can lead to others misinterpreting their mood and perceiving them as unapproachable, uninterested, or unfriendly – the source of the unpleasant moniker “resting bitch face”.

Perception of aging or fatigue: A downward mouth corner can give the illusion of sagging or drooping in the lower face. This can contribute to the perception of aging or fatigue, making an individual appear older or constantly tired.

Fortunately, several treatments can help lessen or resolve the impact of a down-turned mouth.

Treating a down-turned mouth

Botulinum toxin (Botox): Botulinum toxin injections can be used to relax the muscles that pull down the corners of the mouth. This is an 'off label' use of botulinum toxin that can be discussed with your cosmetic practitioner.

Dermal fillers: Dermal fillers can also be used to address a down-turned mouth. By injecting a suitable filler into the corners of the mouth and the surrounding areas, such as the marionette lines (vertical lines that extend from the corners of the mouth to the chin), volume can be added to lift and support the mouth area, resulting in a more upward appearance. The results can last up to 1-2 years, depending on the type of filler used.